Jumat, 23 Maret 2012


What’s the meaning of cross cultural study??

The term "cross-cultural studies" appear in the social sciences in the 1930s, inspired by the cross-cultural survey conducted by George Peter Murdock, an anthropologist from Yale University. This term refers to the first comparative studies based on cultural data compilation. But that term is slowly getting into the expansion of the meaning of the interactive relationship between individuals of two or more different cultures (Wikipedia, 2012). In the context of the first sense, cross-cultural research is a study in various fields of science is done by comparing the various elements of several cultures. Comparative study in the fields of politics, economy, communications, sociology, media theory, cultural anthropology, philosophy, literature, linguistics and music (ethnomusicology) is some form of assessment in this context. In the context of the second sense, the study focused on cross-cultural study of various forms of interactions between individuals of different cultural groups. Cross-cultural studies in this perspective take everyday human interaction as part of the culture that needs to be examined carefully because, as with an understanding of anthropological view of culture as a whole way of life (way of life). Therefore, the cultural elements that need to be investigated should not just be a 'spectacular'. Things that used to do, felt, spoken, heard, seen, or experienced in their daily interactions by two or more individuals with different cultural backgrounds is an observation area of ​​cross-cultural studies. Contemporary cross-cultural studies tend to fall into the "cross-cultural studies" that means both of the above.
We realize that every culture has a peculiar to each and often contradictory. In one particular cultural attitude is acceptable, but not in other cultures. Therefore, we urgently need to learn about cross-cultural understanding so that those differences do not cause problems or misunderstandings for both parties involved.
In many cases, cultural conflict can be found in various place where is meeting multi-cultural. For example, Bali is a place where meeting western culture (foreign tourists) and eastern cultures (native). As we know that western culture is more independent and want to open with others, whereas eastern culture is more family, who wants to know and be open to other people. A culture requires more space than the other cultures. While other cultures should feel that free space is formed together. When examined further, then each has different rules that illuminate the same reality, namely the placement of up to others. Rules that one tends to take a distance, while others are more likely to eliminate the gap in the level of community relations.
Cultural conflict can lead to the emergence of a greater problem for both sides are guilty of misunderstanding. Small problem, on greeting the public can relate to destroy the real purpose is to society. Cultural conflict is likely to raise issues in the multicultural society. Therefore, anyone and especially young people need to learn about cross-cultural understanding so that they can understand the cultural differences as an opportunity to enrich the culture and arts of human life.
So, cross cultural is understanding of cultural diversity is there in the world as well as the cultural impact on the continuity of the social community within a particular culture. Function of cross-cultural self is to stretch our tolerance when dealing with community members from different cultures with our own.

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