Jumat, 26 April 2013


NOVIYANTI - 116030117011011


The development of the world is always followed by population growth in many parts of the world. So we need development in every field to supply the needs of the community. The aim of the development is the effort to meet the basic human needs so that we can improve the quality of human life. However, the development has an impact on the environmental damage. One form of environmental degradation is the waste problem. Every day around the world, the volume of waste is increasing. To solve this problem, we must rethink again about how we can manage our waste. The government should make the best policy about waste management to solve this problem.
Keyword: population growth, waste problem, waste management

An environmental destruction, often happen in cities which are the area where the population growth is more rapid than villages. The growth of population will affect to environmental destruction which is a result of various people activities who use city’s facilities. Therefore, many people’s activities in cities should depend on environmental preservation principals.
The enhancement of garbage volume is one of environmental destruction that often happens in cities. Kinds of garbage are various, organic and non organic. More modern civilization and the height of life standard of people will increase stocks and kinds of garbage.
Environmental sustainability is natural and environmental condition that is guarantee the continuity and improvement of the quality of human life, and become one of the standards for healthy living and quality. It called healthy and quality life, if people's life are better than before and avoid the disease. Garbage problem could result in a chain for environmental pollution, among others: the stench that bothers people around him, speeding and other outbreak of disease, clogged drains and waterways resulting flood, and damage to the comfort and beauty of the city.
Therefore, through the Law no. 18 of 2008 on Waste Management, the government mandated to manage the upstream level waste (waste producers such as communities, industrial areas, traditional market / mall, etc.). Formerly, most forms of waste management held in Indonesia were centralization, by implementing the system open dumping at the landfill. However, this law mandates the 3Rs in waste management method that is Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle waste.
However, until now, the waste management in Indonesia still has not met expectations. Ministry of Environment reported that at this time, every day each person in Indonesia produces 2.5 liters of waste. So it can be calculated there were 625 million liters of waste per day of the total population of Indonesia[1]. Meanwhile, according to the Director of Housing and Settlements Bappenas, Nugroho, "the volume of waste in Indonesia about 1 million cubic meters per day, but only 42% of whom were transported and processed properly. So, do not waste transported each day approximately 348,000 feet or about 300,000 tons a point[2]".
Similarly, Malang is a city that is predominantly migrants from outside the city of Malang. Increasing population causes the increasing number of volume of waste in Malang. It would be a serious problem when it is no longer handled. During these time, the waste management in Malang is centralized, the garbage is transported from the source (household / community) are then extracted and transported by wagon officers officers and Sanitation Department (Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan/DKP) to the Final Disposal (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir/TPA) Supiturang. Big cities in Indonesia has been widely applied method of 3R (Reduce / reduce, reuse / re-use, Recycle / recycle) in waste management. However, in Malang, 3R method just does not work well as the empowerment of the community waste management in the city of Malang is low and less.
Until 2007, the amount of waste in Malang that can be transported to the place of final disposal (landfill) has increased sharply. Even in 2007, the amount of waste that is not transported by both private and government is 3,240 cubic meters of the total volume of waste in that year to reach as much as 259,636 cubic meters.
The role of Malang Sanitation Department in terms of transporting waste to landfill is very large.  Garbage is transported to the landfill of Supiturang every day 400 ton. Every year the volume of waste transported above average 240,000 cubic meters, while the private sector is still very low on average only reached 20,000 cubic meters/ year. The centralized through the disposal of waste to landfill did not solve the problem. It can be seen widely landfill of Supiturang which reached 15 acres, now it only 25 percent of it to accommodate the waste in Malang.
Based on this background, the authors want to analyze the waste management policy Malang city by using the theory of public policy analysis CV Patton & D.S. Sawicki (1986). The theory is applied to analyze six steps and the author wants to formulate an alternative policy to address the problem. Here are the six steps used in analyzing the problem of waste management in Malang city.

1.      Verify, define, detail the problems
As the garbage problem in the big cities in Indonesia, the garbage problem was also experienced by Malang. The increase in the volume of waste is not followed by waste management. Formerly, the waste management system implemented in Malang is open dumping system. Strategy of open dumping is done by digging vacant land as a garbage dump. If the land is full of garbage, then it will be closed again, and the government will be looking for vacant land to be dug. However, the system is not able to answer the problem of waste in Malang, which the waste is increasing from time to time, so the system was turned into a Sanitary Landfill in accordance with Law No. 18 of 2008 on Waste Management.
Waste management is still poor in Malang city is caused by a variety of fundamental thing. First is the issue of financing. To create a good waste management can not be separated from the cost.

"Wasto, Head of the Department of Hygiene and Malang, said the operational costs of waste management project was immense. Every ton of waste managed in need of funds Rp75,000 per day, while the volume of waste Malang city, dumped into landfill Supiturang reach 400 tons per day. Thus, the government needs funds Rp30 million per day for waste management. "[3]

Based on the above, it is clear that the governments of Malang city is not have much money to manage the waste into something useful (recycled or processed as an energy source).
Second, the government needs to provide trash cans according to its kind at various public places. Providing trash cans, trucks, wheelie bins were already implemented but the numbers are still very small. Third, the availability of the trash can is not accompanied by public awareness in sorting / trash according to its kind. If we look at the trash that consists of organic and inorganic waste, should it according to its kind. But in fact, the contents of the trash can are often incompatible with the kind that had become mixed waste. This shows that waste management based on community empowerment and awareness is still very low.
Fourth, the increasing volume of garbage and the buildup of trash due to the lack of adequate technology to process waste into something useful as in developed countries. In developed countries, the buildup of trash can be overcome with good waste management that is turning waste into electrical energy and recycle so that the cost of production of goods can be minimized by the waste recycling system. To provide these advanced technologies, it requires greater funding, but the benefits to be gained too great.
Fifth, the provision of technology as a means of waste management, to be followed by an increase in the quality of human resources, in this case is the janitor. The problem is the lack of a janitor and a cadre of environmental experts in the field. The janitor and the cadres of the environment should be provided with training and knowledge on how to manage waste properly so there is no accumulation of waste which could adversely impact the environment and public health. When officers and cadres of the environment have fostered a person who is an expert in the field, then they can give socialization and training people how to manage waste at the upstream / producer (household waste), recycle waste into useful, and how to sort waste be resold.
As long as this happens, if the waste comes from households / public places are separated correctly by the community in accordance with the trash cans provided, then by officers garbage mixed into one another to be brought to an TPA (The Final processing). Based on this, it is showing that the quality of human (janitors) is still low.

2.      Establish evaluation criteria
To solve the problem of waste management in Indonesia especially in Malang, it is making the need for a variety of evaluation that can be viewed from all sides.
  • a.       Net Benefit

Net benefit is total benefit minus total cost. It is a systematic process for calculating and comparing benefits and costs of a project, decision or government policy. The benefit of waste management can prosper a range of stakeholder (government, society, private sector). The net benefit is the benefit earned by the government and society of the agreement with the investor (the private sector). Waste management is not only the duty and responsibility of government, but also society and private sector.
  • b.      Effectiveness

Effectiveness is the degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems are solved. Effectiveness is determined without reference to costs. Effectiveness of waste management would be achieved if the waste management policy made ​​by the government to answer the problems of garbage, which have an impact on environmental degradation, and a decrease in public health. If the garbage in Malang city has been able to run well, then the environment will be maintained and public health is assured. So it can be said that the effectiveness of waste management has been reached.
  • c.       Efficiency

Efficiency in general describes the extent to which time or effort is well used for the intended task or purpose. efficiency is a relationship between ends and means. When we call a situation inefficient, we are claiming that we could achieve the desired ends with less means, or that the means employed could produce more of the ends desired. The efficiency of the policy will be achieved when all available resources (facilities, infrastructure, funding, time, technology), can be maximized so that the waste management problems can be overcome and achieve the expected goals.
  • d.      Cost

A cost is the value of money that has been used up to produce something, and hence is not available for use anymore. In business, the cost may be one of acquisition, in which case the amount of money expended to acquire it is counted as cost. So, cost is all the sacrifices that need to be made ​​to a production process, which is expressed in units of money according to the prevailing market price, either it already happened or will happen, in order to obtain goods or services. Costs required to address the issue of waste should be affordable. Therefore, it needs partnership of community and private sector in financing waste management.
  • e.       Administrative

Administrative is pertaining to activities related to an organization's or business' administration and management. Administrative procedures relating to waste management in Malang city is straightforward. The procedure should be simple so that community participation in waste management is increasing. If the administrative is simple, it will facilitate the processing of waste, which started by the community, the janitor, to the processing by using technology.

3.      Identify alternative policies
The alternative policies to deal with garbage problem in Malang are as follows.
  • 1.      Sanitary Landfill

To overcome the problem of waste management, landfills must implement methods 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycling), by applying technology Sanitary Landfill. It integrates an integrated waste management. Waste that is recycled, and used the compost, and the rest is dumped into waste destruction. Sanitary Landfill is a high tech. Sanitary landfills are equipped with a system that makes it easy to control waste, such as leachate (waste water is extracted from the waste) so it does not contaminate groundwater; soil cover or overburden and also processing the methane gas extracted out of the trash can be fired electricity. While most of the landfill that we have just as landfills that are not managed correctly or just simply burned or stacked up to form a mountain of trash.

Sanitary Landfill 

  • 2.      Decentralized waste management, involving the private sector

In Kitakyushu (Japan), garbage collection performed by the government and the contractor. They even arranged the separation and collection of waste of community. For example, household waste is collected every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Glass bottles and cans are collected every Wednesday of the first, second and fifth, while plastic bottles are collected every Wednesday of third and fourth. Carton milk collected in the supermarket and community center, while the fluorescent lights in the store electrical equipment[4].
In addition, waste management in Kitakyushu using Takakura basket. It aims to reduce the volume of waste and recycle garbage. The results will then be utilized recycled into compost and other things that benefit the community. By using this method, Kitakyushu City managed to suppress the production of waste by 20 percent each year. In fact, of the approximately one million people Kitakyushu produce waste as much as 400 thousand tons per year.[5]
  • 3.      Waste management into electrical energy

In Monterey (Meksiko), Simeprodeso institution, successfully managing the waste until it can produce electricity to illuminate the third street lighting. With an investment of 11 million U.S. dollars, the profits earned by the government could reach two million dollars per year.[6] Countries have system in waste incineration technology with digital control system in a closed location. With combustion, the heat gained to drive a turbine and generating electricity. Incinerator is only consumes 20% of the electrical energy generated, and the remaining 80% sold. But before trash is separated by flammable or not, according to the trash can provided.

  • 4.      Garbage bank

Garbage bank is a form of cooperation between three sectors (society, private sector, government). The concept of garbage bank is receiving the waste collected which will then be replaced in the form of money to the community in real terms. But society will receive a savings book containing the recorded amount of money, which later can be used for various purposes, for example: pay the garbage workers, pay his electricity, pay school fees (application of waste bank at school), and others.  The amount of waste received by the garbage bank and the money received by the community is clearly different. Counting the money will be based on the type and amount of waste. Saving society in the form of waste that is classified according to its kind. Then the waste will be processed and sold according to its kind by the garbage bank and private sector.

Garbage Bank

4.      Evaluate alternative policies
  • a.       Sanitary Landfill

·        Net Benefit
Sanitary landfills have the potential to be utilized lands that were previously inaccessible due to the buildup of waste. So that the land can be used again and add economic value. In addition, this system also does not contaminate ground water, the ground water hygiene is maintained. The government can also utilize electrical energy generated from methane gas from garbage. Utilization of electrical energy can reduce the burden of supplying electricity demand has been the responsibility of the State Electricity Company (PLN).
·        Effectiveness
When viewed from the waste processing by using this system, the system is able to solve the problem of waste management because it can meet the expectations and objectives of waste management is to preserve the environment and ensure public health.
·        Efficiency
This system is efficient because the facilities in a single system (sanitary landfill) can provide many benefits. Facilities and infrastructure in one area can be optimized in such a way to overcome the problem of waste. However, this system requires sophisticated technology, human resources quality, high cost. And also, this system does not require public participation in the selection of garbage.
·        Cost
Investment Sanitary Landfill requires funding of about Rp 100-200 million per ton. While operational cost is Rp 100-300 thousand per ton per day. The technology does not yet exist in Indonesia, due to the attention the problem of garbage has not been a government priority.
·        Administrative
The administration, waste management is not complicated, of any remaining processes not previously used again, it will be processed back to the other benefits. This system has a sewage treatment so it does not contaminate ground water, methane gas treatment (litter decomposition) can be burned and converted into electrical energy.

  • b.      Decentralized waste management, involving the private sector

·        Net Benefit
Appropriate waste collection day will facilitate the task of the janitor, the waste segregation. Then, the waste is sold to the private sector. Funds from the sale of waste that will assist the government in providing funds to provide Takakura baskets in public places and to give subsidies to the community for purchase Takakura basket. The benefits of Takakura baskets will also reduce waste from households, and produce compost that can be used in private. Waste that can be recycled will benefit investors in lower production costs such as glass bottles or plastic bottles.
·        Effectiveness
Alternative policy is not very effective, because it reduces the volume of waste at the household level. And it only makes use of the rubbish that can be recycled.
·        Efficiency
When viewed in terms of efficiency, this alternative can be said to be efficient because it involves human resources are the janitors when they take out the trash by day, and engage communities to reduce household waste using the Takakura basket. Technology required the government is also quite simple. Only the private sector need to recycle waste technologically obtained to minimize production costs.
·        Cost
The government does not need a lot of money by working with the private sector.
·        Administrative
The administrative quite organized because of the determination of the day of the garbage collection by the government.

  • c.       Waste management into electrical energy

The result of research by a team of UMM (Malang) with the Netherlands sometime ago, mentioned that the potential for methane as that is managed through landfill Supiturang in Malang, an average  of 118.3 million cubic meters per year for an  area of 5 hectares. Besides producing methane gas, landfill Supiturang also capable of generating electricity at least 5.6 million Kwh per year of the volume of waste disposed to landfill average 700 to 800 cubic meters per day from 75 disposals in the area.
·        Net Benefit
Waste collected and processed together and burned in a furnace that can drive turbines and generate electrical energy. The electricity energy generated from waste management would relieve the government budget in the supply of electricity from State Electricity Company.
·        Effectiveness
Alternative policy has not been effective because it only answers the problem of garbage that can be burned to be used as electrical energy. The possibility can not be burned waste such as cans or glass, it can not be optimized for recycling.
·        Efficiency
Incineration technologies require sophisticated technology with substantial funds. In addition, this alternative does not involve the public to care and aware of the importance of waste segregation and management. This alternative also does not need a lot of workers, whereas the population of Malang is enough.
·        Cost
Cost involved is huge, starting from providing trash cans in various places according to their kinds, and the provision of advanced technologies so that policies can be implemented.
·        Administrative
Administration required is simple enough to implement this policy.

  • d.      Garbage bank

·        Net Benefit
People have benefit from the waste collection and submit it to the garbage bank. Community gets money from the waste/trash. Government also get benefit, they do not bother to sort garbage from each household. They just collect the waste obtained from the public and then sold to a private sector or the waste recycling by the government.
·        Effectiveness
This policy is also not effective because it only solves the problem of waste that can be recycled. Waste which can not be recycled and biodegradable still piled up in landfill Supiturang.
·        Efficiency
Alternative policy is quite efficient because it can empower / utilize existing resources. To run this alternative, the existing human resources have been given training so that they can provide to the community socializing. Community empowerment and participation are key to the implementation of this policy alternative. Facilities, infrastructure and technology used are simple, by utilizing waste that can be recycled into economically valuable craft as articulated by the environment cadres to society.
·        Cost
This policy does not need a lot of money as long as the government can work together with private sector through the exchange of waste recycled by providing funding for public savings. In addition, the costs involved can also be derived from the sale of handicrafts from waste to the private sector / market.
·        Administrative
Government needs to disseminate to the society about the existence of the garbage bank so the policy will go smoothly.

5.      Display and select among alternative policies

Detail Problem
Sanitary landfill
Decentralized waste management
Waste into electrical energy
Garbage Bank
(High cost)
Community Empowerment
High Technology
Good Quality of Human Resources

√ = solve the problem
-   = not solve the problem

Based on the table above, there are two alternative policies that can be implemented in Malang, namely:
a.       Sanitary Landfill
Alternative policy requires sophisticated technology, good quality of human resources, and great cost. In addition, this system does not require public participation in the selection of garbage. So the alternative policy has not been able to address the basic problems of garbage in Malang city. However, if the sanitary landfill is applied, it does not only solve the problem of waste management but also a positive impact and bring many benefits to Malang city.
b.      Garbage bank
This policy is quite simple and has been running for 1 year in Malang city. This policy does not require large cost, technologically sophisticated, and diverse infrastructure. This policy is more emphasis on empowerment and participation for the selection of waste to be used as crafts, or waste can be deposited into money in exchange it to the garbage bank. The quality of human resources can also be improved through training before they actually go into the community, so that they are able to provide socialization and knowledge of how to make trash into something useful. However, this policy has not been able to reduce a lot of waste that builds up in landfill Supiturang. The rubbish that can not be recycled and used as a hand-crafted, eventually accumulate also at the landfill.

6.      Monitor policies outcomes
Based on the five steps that have been outlined in a coherent, the authors decided to modify the existing policy alternative. As we saw earlier, the paradigm of open dumping waste turned into sanitary landfills. But in practice, sanitary landfill is still quite difficult to implement, given that the government needs substantial funds and sophisticated technology. Therefore, garbage bank policy should be applied while preparing for cooperation with foreign investors to realize a sanitary landfill. Combination sanitary landfills and garbage bank is an excellent combination of alternative and ideal to apply.        
Garbage bank is able to empower people and to improve the welfare of society (in this case is to increase the income of the people), by saving waste and processing waste into handicrafts. Garbage, which can not be used craft, can be sold to the private sector / market through garbage bank. Residual waste can still be used, using methane gas generated by the decomposition of waste through sanitary landfill technology. Methane gas is utilized as fuel to drive turbines and generate electricity for Malang city. This will bring a lot of benefits of each layer.
The agreement between the government and the investor must be clear from the outset of the net profit to be gained, in order not to prejudice any party. Moreover, as we know, in general, foreign investors, who invested in Indonesia, have many advantages over government and society, and they also influence decision-making (invisible hand). Community participation in the application of a combination of the two alternative policies is very important as a supervisor and as the executor of this policy.

Actually, the root of waste problem in Malang is waste management. Good waste management can solve the waste problem. Based on the six-step analysis of the policy on the waste problem in Malang, the author formulates some suggestions that hopefully will be able to refine the existing alternative policy, namely:
1.      Improving internal sector
Improving internal sector include the quality of human resources and infrastructure. Quality of human resources is visible from experts working in the field, and they were able to push and provide counseling for people to manage waste properly. Improving the quality of human resources should be followed by the development of infrastructure to promote the smooth operation of waste management.
2.      Improving the community empowerment
Public participation plays an important role to improve the waste management policy in Malang, because the population in Malang city continues to grow and it is impact on increasing the volume of waste. Thus, it requires the empowerment of communities in the process waste as part of waste management.
3.      Build a network with the private sector
Build a network with the private sector to assist the government in the provision of funds and advanced technology through investment. The availability of sufficient funds and advanced technology can assist the government in the implementation of sanitary landfills and it can overcome the problem of garbage in Malang. However, the agreement between the government and the investor must be clear at the beginning, ie, the net benefits to be gained, so it does not harm any party.


[1] Hendrawan, Parliza. April 15th 2012. Indonesia Hasilkan 625 Juta Liter Sampah Sehari. Source: http://www.tempo.co/read/news/2012/04/15/063397147/Indonesia-Hasilkan-625-Juta-Liter-Sampah-Sehari
[2] Suara Pembaharuan. June 26th 2012. Setahun Volume Sampah di Indonesia Setara Dengan 122 Gelora Bung Karno. Source: http://www.suarapembaruan.com/nasional/setahun-volume-sampah-di-indonesia-setara-dengan-122-gelora-bung-karno/21707
[3] Anam, Choirul. November 6th 2011. Pemkot Malang Tawarkan TPA Supiturang ke Swasta. Source from http://www.bisnis.com/articles/pemkot-malang-tawarkan-tpa-supiturang-ke-swasta
[4] Ivvaty , Susi. Mei 18th 2005.  Belajar dari Luar Negeri, Mestinya Sampah Jabodetabek Dikelola Badan Khusus. Source:
[5] Berita Jakarta. January 26th 2010. Tangani Sampah, Jakpus Jajaki Kerjasama dengan Kitakyushu. Source: http://www.beritajakarta.com/2008/id/berita_detail.asp?nNewsId=37234
[6]. Kukuh Prasetyo Pangudi Utomo. October 27th 2008. Sampah. Source: http://kukuhprasetyopangudiutomo.blogspot.com/2008/10/sampah.html

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